Chinese-Ger­man Tech­nic­al Fac­ulty (CDTF)

At the CDTF, Chinese mechanical engineering students enrolled in the Bachelor program are prepared for further studies at Paderborn University. In a preparatory year, they take a German language course comprising of approx. 1,200 hrs. The next two years of study are focused on the basic studies held in Chinese, while already including some of the basic studies offered in German.

Subsequent to this part of their studies in China, 30-40% students of a given year go on to an advanced study program in mechanical engineering at Paderborn University. To transfer from Qingdao to Paderborn, students have to fulfill several prerequisites such as languages abilities and professional/technical qualifications/skills which have to be verified by good grades obtained in the Chinese-German basic studies. Once in Paderborn, the Chinese students complete the regular fifth and sixth subject-related semester of the Bachelor program in mechanical engineering, including industrial training in a German company.

German students can transfer to Qingdao for one semester to get some impressions of Chinese (university) culture. The study program “mb-cn” provides them with basic Chinese skills; in addition, they work as student teaching assistants.


In tiefer Trauer nehmen wir Abschied von unserem hochgeschätzten Kollegen und Mitbegründer der CDTF in Qingdao, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult. Manfred Pahl, der am 28. August 2023 im Alter von 82 Jahren verstorben ist.

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Am letzten Wochenende fand der Tag der offenen Tür an der Chinesisch-Deutschen Technischen Fakultät statt. Eine Vielzahl

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Am vergangenen Dienstag fand die Absolventenfeier an der CDTF statt. Die Absolventen

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Am Montag, 24. April, wurde eine hochrangige Delegation der Qingdao University of Science and Technology (QUST) durch die Präsidentin der Universität Paderborn Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf empfangen.

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Viel zu freuen gab es heute für 20 CDTF-Studierende des Studienanfängerjahrgangs 2021.

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